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2013 has indeed been a year of challenges in every aspect of our lives — self, family, friends, at work, at school, our country and the world…Amidst these, there are still a lot of reasons to be grateful for the blessings and of course…to celebrate!

Of course it’s that time of the year again to give back, to celebrate the year that’ll soon be a thing of the past and to get-together for David Archuleta’s birthday! In addition, this will be the start of our countdown to David’s return from his mission in Chile! Indeed, there are so many reasons for us to partyyyyy and to rise for 2014.

And as Archies, one with our fellow kababayans who have been affected by the recent typhoon Yolanda, we will be having this get-together with simplicity and still with some Archie-fashion! Are you ready? Here are our deets:

1. Rise for the Youth

Time: 9-12NN

Venue: Virlanie Foundation

Beneficiaries: kids ages 0-12 years old

What to Bring: – school supplies (more on activity books, coloring books, coloring materials)

 – Breakfast meals (eg. energy biscuits) Formula milk, vitamins 

 – Babies and toddlers needs (eg. diapers, baby wipes, alcohol and the like)

– For those who prefer donating in cash, we’ll post how you can send them in the days to come

Program: Games galore and gift giving to the kids, simply being big ates and kuyas to them 🙂


2. Rise to DA2014 (our Archies’ yearly get together and the “David Archuleta” birthday parteiiiii!!!)

Time: 1pm – 5pm

Venue:  One Gateway Place Function Room, Mandaluyong City (near Robinson’s Boni)

Program: games, the much awaited raffle, a little exchange gift giving (yeapppp!!!), the ever sensastional cake (with a twist this year…haha) and a surprise mini-project (hmmm…i wonder)

Contribution: 300PHP for the food and transpo 

Exchange Gift (optional – for those who want to join): 50PHP (and/or up) worth of exchange gift **preferably something that would be useful for your fellow Archie, but of course any would do, no motif.

Who’s joining???? Well, everybody’s welcome, but let us know for the headcount…How???

1. reply thru this blogsite

2. Twitter accounts —  @ARCH_PH or thru the admins [@therandomPinay, @nareejo, @lorms, @ascphil, @jackryan4DA]

3. Facebook — Angels Reaching Out with Caring Hearts or thru Archuleta Philippines

Got it?!!!

More deets on our activities will be coming up in the days to come…so keep glued to our social networks (FB, Twitter and here in our blog).

Archies, save the date and spread the word!!! It’s time to trend, to prep with our fangirl and fanboy modes and to Rise for 2014!!!


Confused? Don’t be…

You are on the right page!!!

This is Angels Reaching out with Caring Hearts or simply, ARCH.

A group comprising of David Archuleta fans who are not only bonded just to fangirl, but also by being inspired to do acts of kindness to society.

Regardless of race, age, sex, religion or beliefs, as long as you have been inspired by the young artist and philanthrophist that we all admire [that’s David of course^_^] — This site is about us, for us. Keep your eyes here of the latest activities and gatherings. It may still be a bit bare, but we’re determined to keep this better thru the course of time…

Get yourself involved…Share in whatever way you can…

Give us a buzz too…

twitter user name: @ARCH_PH


“I always think about how those donations will help out, even if it’s not a huge contribution. That small amount can help change someone’s life one way or another, and just thinking about it gives me the chills.”
-David Archuleta